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“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
~John C. Maxwell

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    Plan your day

    Make a realistic written plan for each day to ensure that the important things get done. Planning your day helps you focus your attention and be intentional about how you spend your time. It will help you feel organized, and give you a lovely sense of accomplishment when you mark off what you have achieved.

    Nourish your body and mind

    Set a goal to be active each day, be it climbing the stairs or walking out in the woods, moving your body and getting some fresh air will do a lot of good, both physically & mentally.Same with eating nourishing food and staying hydrated.Stack your habits & before you know it, it will become your daily routine.

    Reflect and Rest

    At the end of each day, make yourself a hot drink,reflect on the day and write it in your journal.What went well, as planned? What needs more attention? What can be tweaked to do better next time?Celebrate your wins, however small.Prioritise a good night's sleep and you will wake up to find yourself refreshed & ready to take on the world, the next day.

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